5 things you may be doing...
- Standing on one leg whilst talking or waiting
- Have old ankle injuries you have not ‘fixed’
- Balancing a laptop on your knee
- Slouching at your desk / on the sofa
- Lift things without thinking about technique
5 Things that may help...
- Stand evenly, with the same weight on both feet.
- Try standing on 1 leg with your eyes closed for as long as possible (1 minute should be fairly easy). If not, practice it up to 2 times daily on each leg.
- Place a cushion or tray under the laptop to lift it up, or better still, work at a table only. Do not raise it by lifting onto your toes, feet flat on the floor or your calf muscles can tighten up.
- Vary your position frequently, don’t always sit facing the TV / computer the same way.
- Keep your stomach tight whilst lifting things and always try to stand up vertically and not bent forward.