New Patients

As a new patient in any stream of treatment, you can expect a first session to last up to an hour.  In this hour you will undergo a physical examination (or in the case of fertility acupuncture, a full case history) and this normally finishes with treatment.  I always request that people wear clothes that are both modest and enable them to move so that they can do exercises and / or expose legs / abdomen / arms as required by the treatment prescribed.  At each stage you will be told what is going to happen and asked if it is ok to continue as I will only do treatment with your full permission.

Please, where able, download the relevant form from the New Patient Form tab, complete it and bring it with you.  This allows more of the appointment to be spent on working with you and not doing paperwork.  I do keep paper copies at the office if you are unable to print it and would suggest you come a few minutes early to fill it out.

If you have any other clinical notes that you feel are relevant, please bring spare copies, to go in your file, with you to the appointment.

Thanks and look forward to helping you get Up and About.