IMPORTANT INFORMATION - Working together to stay safe

  1. If you have been in contact with anyone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days or have started feeling unwell yourself, please call me. 
  2. Please wait outside till I open the door for you (there is a bus shelter immediately outside the door if it is raining)
  3. Please come on your own unless agreed prior to your session.
  4. Please wear a face covering if you have one and are able to. 
  5. Where possible, please pay with a debit card and avoid cash.
  6. Please use the hand gel on your way in to the clinic.
  7. You will be asked to sign the consent (shown at the base of this information page) on every visit.


Every attempt is being made to ensure the safety of all clients and staff.  

  1. Your temperature will be taken with a no touch thermometer before entry into the treatment room.
  2. All touched surfaces in the clinic are thoroughly sanitised with medical grade Clinell wipes between patients and the floors are mopped regularly.
  3. Where possible, front and rear doors are left open to ensure good airflow through the treatment room (though blinds and closed doors will be used to ensure modesty when needed).
  4. I will be wearing, as a minimum, a type IIr fluid resistant mask, single client use apron, single client use gloves, +/- eyewear / visor (this will depend on area being treated).
  5. All of the PPE waste is being treated as hazardous waste and is being disposed off in
    accordance with local biohazard legislation.

Copy of the Consent to receive care at Up & About

  1. I have answered all questions (triage) relating to my potential exposure to Coronavirus (COVID-19) truthfully.
  2. I understand that there is a potential risk of transmission of Coronavirus (COVID-19) as a result of attending the clinic and  / or receiving treatment.
  3. I have had the opportunity to ask all the questions I wish to, and all of my questions have been answered to my satisfaction.
  4. I have read, agree to and understand the statements above relating to Coronavirus (COVID-19) risk and consent to receive care at Up & About.
  5. I understand and agree that I will need to give separate consent regarding my clinical care.
  6. I agree that I will notify the clinic immediately if I develop any symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19) within 14 days of any appointment.

 Please feel free to view the clinic risk assessment file below.

thumbnail of U&A Covid-19 Risk Assessment Oct20