Used by many of the worlds elite sports people. We use supports to help keep the body free of injury, or to help heal when during an injury. For example, walking on a sprained ankle (old or new) can continually introduce repeated strain to other body areas through compensation for the injury. By using bracing at the correct time, and most importantly, fitted correctly, the body can slowly unadopt the compensations and start using all of the muscles / joints again in their intended orientations and strengths. This has the net affect of reducing injury and therefore pain / discomfort and will often lead to being able to again take up the sports you love or activities you enjoy.
The DonJoy products include functional knee bracing, post-operative upper and lower extremity bracing, a range of patellofemoral and osteoarthritis braces and a cold therapy range. Our regeneration products include bone growth stimulation devices used for the treatment of non-union fractures.
The Aircast® product range is focused around the foot and ankle, cold therapy and DVT prophylaxis. For the treatment of foot and ankle injuries, Aircast® developed the Pneumatic Walker™ range. The ankle bracing range includes the Air-Stirrup® A60™ and the AirSport™. Cold therapy products are marketed under the Cryo/Cuff™ brand and include treatment options for the ankle, knee and shoulder. DVT prophylaxis is managed by our VenaFlow™ range with cuff options for the calf and foot.